You’ve started creating your own WordPress website. You know you need plugins to enhance its functionalities.

Where can you find the best plugins you can trust?

As of March 2018, there are more than 54,000 plugins available on the repository.

Needless to say, it can quickly be overwhelming to pick the best ones for your objectives.

Things to consider when choosing a plugin for WordPress:

  • The reputation of the company that developed it
  • When it was first released
  • When it was last updated (recently is the best)
  • Compatibility with the latest version of WordPress and other major plugins such as Woocommerce
  • How many times it’s been installed (tells the popularity of it)
  • How many people have rated it and the average star ratings (the more, the better)

Should you get a free or paid plugin?

It depends on your objectives.

Many free versions of paid plugins such as the “Yoast SEO” plugin do a great job the way the are but a premium version can help you access more functionalities if you feel you will need them.

Usually, paid plugins will provide you with a better experience, especially for larger functionalities such as ecommerce, events tickets, memberships, appointments bookings for example.

When you setup a brand new functionality that represents a big part of what your website offers, you want to ensure you’re investing in a great extension.

Our favorite platforms to find great plugins

We hope this has helped you get started with choosing the best plugins to achive your objectives.

Want to learn how to setup WordPress like a pro to create a fantastic website?

Check our 5-star ebook:

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Questions? Suggestions for other platforms we haven’t mentioned? Let us know in the comments below.

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